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We all aspire to living in a state of wellbeing - a state characterised by health, happiness, and prosperity. For me, finding that state of wellbeing means living with contentment. That is not to say that we are always happy, far from it. Life events come, and go, and some knock us sideways, backwards or just plain knock us over! (I came to yoga after being knocked over by a bus in Vancouver in 1997)

There are many practices within yoga, more than the mat, including breathing techniques or pranayama, withdrawing from the world, relaxation and meditation techniques that can help us toward our goal of contentment, bliss or samadhi as it is known.

Other things, such as getting outdoors to exercise, being in nature, spending time with positive people, reading, self-study, decluttering, cleaning (!) (it’s called saucha in yoga) can all help too.

If you would like to know more about how the less well known aspects of Yoga and bringing many aspects of yoga to your life can help you lead a more contented, balanced life of wellbeing, read on.

And the day came when the risk to remain in bud was more painful than the risk to Blossom, Anais Nin .png

Tracy’s Tips